Talk & Meeting: The Cetacean Acoustic Trend Tracking Project with Meg Hayward-Smith

October talk
When: Tuesday 15th Oct, 18:15-20:15 Where: RNLI   Cetaceans are a group of mammals that include whales, dolphins, and porpoises. The Cetacean Acoustic Trend Tracking (CATT) is a long-term acoustic monitoring project utilising Chelonia F-POD loggers and citizen scientist. The Looe
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Talk & Meeting: Astonishing Grey Seal Pups with Sue Sayer

Seals talk
When: Tuesday 19th Nov, 18:15-20:15 Where: Talk online via Zoom: – join directly or meet group members at Looe RNLI to watch together, followed by monthly meeting.   Whilst grey seal pups are superbly adapted to life in the sea, with mo
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PAST EVENT: Talk & Meeting: Dive into Ocean Pollution with the Marine Conservation Society

Pollution talk
When: Tues 16th Jan, 18:15-20:15 Where: RNLI   Let’s talk pollution! Pollution is reported to be one of the five main drivers of the biodiversity crisis, threatening 37% of marine mammals with extinction. Marine pollution is diverse and includes harmful PFAS (aka ‘Forever Chemic
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PAST EVENT: Talk & Meeting: Occurrence and migrations of Atlantic bluefin tuna off the UK with Tom Horton

Tuna talk
When: Tuesday 20th Feb, 18:15-20:15 Where: RNLI, Looe       Atlantic bluefin tuna returned to waters off the UK and Ireland almost a decade ago, and since 2018 scientists have been studying this iconic species. When did these apex predators return to waters off the UK?
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PAST EVENT: Talk & AGM: Clean Ocean Sailing with Alan Green

Clean Ocean Sailing Talk
When: Tuesday 16th April, 18:15-20:15 Where: RNLI & on zoom       With the help of the 112-year-old sailing boat ‘Annette’ and other smaller crafts, the Clean Ocean Sailing (COS) crew sail and paddle to remote, inaccessible places to clean up our Cornish coast. They
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