What’s On?

Strawberry anemone

Welcome to our ‘What’s On’ page.

Please check our social media pages for any changes to our event schedule. 

Our monthly meetings are usually held on the 3rd Tuesday of every month. They are open to everyone and are often preceded by a talk.

Event details are listed below and on our Facebook page.

If an event requires you to book, please visit our Eventbrite page.

Our events are free unless otherwise stated, but donations to the group are very welcome. All ages are welcome unless otherwise stated, but please note that under 18s must be accompanied by a responsible adult at all our events. Our Facebook page is updated with weather dependent information closer to each event. Booking is currently required for all in-person events.

To donate to Looe Marine Conservation Group via PayPal, please click on the button below. Thank you!

Joining In

Looe Marine Conservation Group is run entirely by volunteers. We’d love to hear from you if you have an interest in marine wildlife and would like to help out at our events or in any other way. No experience or knowledge is required as we provide training. New Members are always welcome – find out more here.

Looe Marine Conservation Group Events

October talk

Talk & Meeting: The Cetacean Acoustic Trend Tracking Project with Meg Hayward-Smith

When: Tuesday 15th Oct, 18:15-20:15 Where: RNLI   Cetaceans are a group of mammals that include whales, dolphins, and porpoises. The Cetacean Acoustic Trend Tracking (CATT) is a long-term acoustic monitoring project utilising Chelonia F-POD loggers and citizen scientist. The Looe
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Autumn rock pool ramble

Autumn Rockpool Ramble

When: Sunday 3rd Nov, 11:30-13:00 Where: Hannafore Beach, meet below the coastguard station   Fancy finding some crackin’ crabs & stunning starfish? Well why not join local experts as we explore the rocky shore! We ask that all attendees come along with suitable footwear (no
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Seals talk

Talk & Meeting: Astonishing Grey Seal Pups with Sue Sayer

When: Tuesday 19th Nov, 18:15-20:15 Where: Talk online via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88249708200 – join directly or meet group members at Looe RNLI to watch together, followed by monthly meeting.   Whilst grey seal pups are superbly adapted to life in the sea, with mo
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Beach clean

PAST EVENT: New Year’s Beach Clean & 2024 Events Launch!

When: Sat 13th January, 12:00 – 13:30 Where: Hannafore Beach, meet below the coastguard station   Brush off those Christmas cobwebs and get some fresh sea air at our traditional New Year Beach Clean! Afterwards, we’ll head down to the Jolly Sailor for a celebratory drink an
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Riverfly training

PAST EVENT: Riverfly Training

When: Sun 14th Jan, 10:30-!6:00 Where:  Forest Holidays Deerpark, Liskeard, Cornwall. PL14 4QY. What3words: tinkle.perch.someone   Pollution incidents often occur in our watercourses, spelling disaster for life in the river and impacting the marine environment. Regular monitoring
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Pollution talk

PAST EVENT: Talk & Meeting: Dive into Ocean Pollution with the Marine Conservation Society

When: Tues 16th Jan, 18:15-20:15 Where: RNLI   Let’s talk pollution! Pollution is reported to be one of the five main drivers of the biodiversity crisis, threatening 37% of marine mammals with extinction. Marine pollution is diverse and includes harmful PFAS (aka ‘Forever Chemic
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Shoresearch training

PAST EVENT: Shoresearch Training with Cornwall Wildlife Trust

When: Sat 28th January, 10:00-15:00 Where:  Hannafore Point Hotel   Shoresearch is The Wildlife Trusts’ national citizen science survey of the rocky shore, the exciting world of extremes where the sea meets the land. It’s a great way to explore your local coast, learn
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Love Your Beach Day - beach clean

PAST EVENT: Love Your Beach Day Clean at Seaton

When: Sat 10th February, 12:00 – 13:30 Where: Seaton, meet in the beach cafe carpark   What better way to show your love for the beaches than to join our friendly group to clean Seaton Beach? All kit will be provided, all we ask is that you come along in suitable clothing a
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February Half Term Rock Pool Ramble

PAST EVENT: February Half Term Rockpool Ramble

When: Sunday 11th February, 12:00 – 13:30 Where: Hannafore Beach, meet below the coastguard station   Join us for the first public rockpooling session of the year! At this event suitable for the whole family, we’ll explore the fascinating rocky shore and learn about the int
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Tuna talk

PAST EVENT: Talk & Meeting: Occurrence and migrations of Atlantic bluefin tuna off the UK with Tom Horton

When: Tuesday 20th Feb, 18:15-20:15 Where: RNLI, Looe       Atlantic bluefin tuna returned to waters off the UK and Ireland almost a decade ago, and since 2018 scientists have been studying this iconic species. When did these apex predators return to waters off the UK?
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Fathoms Free talk

PAST EVENT: Talk & Meeting: The Plight of Ghost Fishing Gear in our Oceans with John Kent, Chair of Fathoms Free

When: Tuesday 19th March, 18:15-20:15 Where: RNLI   Fathoms Free are a group of marine conservationists and divers who gather the abandoned and lost fishing gear from our shores and seabed. This includes nets, crab pots and hooks, some of which can survive for hundreds of years u
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Beach Clean

PAST EVENT: Easter Beach Clean

When:  Saturday 30th March, 14:00 – 15:30 Where: Seaton, meet in Seaton Beach Cafe carpark   Want to play your part in cleaning up our ocean? Well, there’s no better place to start than at your local beach clean. All equipment is provided, all we ask is that you come along
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Rock Pool Ramble

PAST EVENT: Easter Rockpool Ramble

When: Sunday 7th April, 11:00 – 12:30 Where: Hannafore Beach, meet below the coastguard station   If you’ve ever wondered what lives in the rockpools near you, then join our local experts at our rockpool ramble to find out! Please wear suitable clothing and footwear and lea
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Clean Ocean Sailing Talk

PAST EVENT: Talk & AGM: Clean Ocean Sailing with Alan Green

When: Tuesday 16th April, 18:15-20:15 Where: RNLI & on zoom       With the help of the 112-year-old sailing boat ‘Annette’ and other smaller crafts, the Clean Ocean Sailing (COS) crew sail and paddle to remote, inaccessible places to clean up our Cornish coast. They
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