PAST EVENT: Talk & Meeting: Occurrence and migrations of Atlantic bluefin tuna off the UK with Tom Horton

Tuna talk
When: Tuesday 20th Feb, 18:15-20:15 Where: RNLI, Looe       Atlantic bluefin tuna returned to waters off the UK and Ireland almost a decade ago, and since 2018 scientists have been studying this iconic species. When did these apex predators return to waters off the UK?
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PAST EVENT: Talk & Meeting: The Plight of Ghost Fishing Gear in our Oceans with John Kent, Chair of Fathoms Free

Fathoms Free talk
When: Tuesday 19th March, 18:15-20:15 Where: RNLI   Fathoms Free are a group of marine conservationists and divers who gather the abandoned and lost fishing gear from our shores and seabed. This includes nets, crab pots and hooks, some of which can survive for hundreds of years u
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