When: Saturday 26th July, 13:00-14:30
Where: Hannafore Beach, meet below the coastguard station
Lead: Matt Nott
Before we explore the rock pools (starting at 1pm) why not come along and explore the beach?
Looe Marine Conservation Group will be running some special activities to celebrate National Marine Week such as a…
Beach Scavenger Hunt.
Beach Art / Sculpture Competition.
Come to meet and chat with your local marine group – find out what we do, where and when (etc). We’ll have rocky shore ID guides and activity books available pluw lots of information on our fascinating seas.
See website for more information / details nearer the time.
Join our Rockpool Ramble during National Marine Week to explore the rocky shore! Delve into gullies, crevices & rock pools to uncover some of the amazing creatures that live in our waters! Learn about starfish, crabs, fish, anemones and lots more at this educational event that is guaranteed to satisfy the whole family. Please come along with suitable footwear (no flip flops), sun cream and leave your nets at home as they can harm delicate rockpool creatures. Meet us below the coastguard station on Hannafore Beach.
Under 18s must be accompanied by an adult. This is a FREE event but donations to Looe Marine Conservation Group are welcome. Please check our website (www.looemarineconservation.org) and Facebook page (www.facebook.com/LooeMCG) closer to the time of the event for the most up to date information. Any other queries please email looemcg.events@gmail.com.