When: Tuesday 21st October, 18:15-20:30
Where: RNLI Lifeboat Station Crew room, Looe
Lead: Cttee Member ‘Month Chair’
Did you know that rainwater going down our drains from gutters and roads flows directly into the nearest river? If polluted by detergents, fats/oils etc it can seriously affect wildlife in our rivers. In Looe it affects our water bathing quality too. Iain Barker will tell us about his UK campaign that gets councils on board, educates the public AND is making a difference.
In our local area teams of volunteers go out monthly to count the tiny living creatures in our fresh water streams! Ok, not every one of them! But why? From these samples we can tell how healthy our streams are. If a problem pops up we can alert the water authority pretty quickly. John Meakin trains teams of volunteers to do this riverfly monitoring work. He’s here tonight to explain what it’s all about, the benefits and the challenges.
The talk will be followed by our in-person monthly meeting to which all are welcome. Under 18s must be accompanied by an adult. This is a FREE event but donations to Looe Marine Conservation Group are welcomed. Please check our website (www.looemarineconservation.org) and Facebook page (www.facebook.com/LooeMCG) closer to the time of the event for the most up to date information. Any other queries please email looemcg.events@gmail.com.