Our guest speaker Tina Robinson Our Only World
When: Tuesday 18th February, 18:15-20:30
Where: STOP PRESS CHANGE OF VENUE: Now at the Hannafore Point Hotel, Marine Drive, West Looe PL13 2DG
‘ What Lies Beneath’
Tina Robinson, founder of Our Only World, will introduce us to her charity. Her mission is to reduce the use of single use plastics and tell us about the ‘Living Sea Wall’ project.
Tina will share the objectives for the living sea wall project, providing details of progress to date; sharing insights into the challenges along the way, the opportunities, successes and future plans.
Tina will describe Our Only World’s ‘water refill station initiative’. (Indeed, you may have seen their refill station in Looe.) In the talk Tina will update us on the existing refill locations around the country and describe two new models that are currently in development.
She will also briefly speak about 2 projects which are focused specifically on inspiring children.
Tina loves Cornwall. She was not born here but her family owes a lot to Polzeath.
Tina has a love of the ocean and marine life above all. With her husband, Tina has been scuba diving since the early 80’s. She recognises that, unfortunately, her grandchildren will never see the ocean as she has seen it.
Her charity, Our Only World, is a way of paying forwards to future generations.
Tina feels that she and her husband have seen the best of the ocean, know how it’s changed and that it’s now their job to do their bit to try and restore it.
Tina has had a few careers in her life and she has always said that “I never knew what I wanted to do when I grew up ” but at 70 she thinks she has found it!’’
The talk will be followed by our in-person monthly meeting to which all are welcome. Under 18s must be accompanied by an adult.
This is a FREE event but donations to Looe Marine Conservation Group are welcomed. Please check our website (www.looemarineconservation.org) and Facebook page (www.facebook.com/LooeMCG) closer to the time of the event for the most up to date information.
Any other queries please email looemcg.events@gmail.com.